North American Metals Council – Selenium Working Group (NAMC SWG)
The Selenium Working Group of the North American Metals Council (NAMC SWG) comprises professionals from industry and consulting engaged in sharing and commissioning technical research on issues pertaining to ecological and human health effects, regulation, and water treatment of selenium in the context of industrial discharges.
Activities include:
- Support of research to inform the development of water quality and biological tissue-based standards/guidelines for selenium;
- Implementation and application of standards/guidelines (e.g., sampling and analysis techniques and technologies);
- Development of effects thresholds;
- Identification of analytical methods pertinent to such standards/guidelines; and
- Review of technologies for the treatment of selenium in waste waters.
As part of its ongoing efforts, the NAMC SWG develops white papers and peer-reviewed journal articles on these topics for public sharing. In addition, the NAMC SWG provides scientific/technical input when there are opportunities to comment on revisions to various North American regulations regarding selenium in the context of environmental protection (see below).
The NAMC SWG meets biannually in the United States (associated with the North American meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)) and once mid-year in Canada.
Membership in the NAMC SWG is open to companies that have a need and an interest in managing, regulating, monitoring, or treating water for potential effects/impacts of selenium; this includes associations representing such companies. Consulting firms and water treatment suppliers may join the NAMC SWG as Consultant Members. The group occasionally invites academic and government scientists to its meetings, to present new research and to update the group on relevant regulatory developments.
NAMC SWG Comments on Regulatory Documents
- Comments of the Selenium Working Group in Response to EPA’s Draft National Recommended Aquatic Life Criterion for the Pollutant Selenium.
Publications Commissioned by NAMC SWG
- DeForest, D.K., Brix, K.V., Elphick, J.R., Rickwood, C.J., deBruyn, A.M.H., Tear, L.M., Gilron, G., Hughes, S.A., and W.J. Adams. 2017. Lentic, Lotic, and Sulphate-dependent Waterborne Selenium Screening Guidelines for Freshwater Systems. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.36: 2503-2513.
White Papers Commissioned by NAMC SWG
- Database of Selenium Concentrations in Fish Tissues from Reference Sites (2009).
- Biogeochemistry and Analysis of Selenium and Its Species (2008).
Related Publications and Resources
- Nautilus Environmental. 2013. Evaluation of the effects of selenium on early lifestage development of mountain whitefish from the Elk Valley, BC. Burnaby, BC, Canada.
- Gilron, G. 2012. The Selenium Drinking Water Quality Guideline in Canada: The Case for a Re-evaluation. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. 8: 194-196.
- Chapman, P.M., Adams, W.J., Brooks, M.L., Delos, C.G., Luoma, S.N., Maher, W.A., Ohlendorf, H.M., Presser, T.S., and D. P. Shaw (eds.). 2010. Ecological Assessment of Selenium in the Aquatic Environment. SETAC Press, Pensacola, FL, USA.
- Presser T.S. and S.N. Luoma. 2010. A methodology for ecosystem-scale modeling of selenium. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. 6: 685-710.
Links to Relevant Regulatory Documents
- British Columbia Ministry of Environment (BCMOE). 2014. Ambient Water Quality Guidelines for Selenium Technical Report Update. Water Protection and Sustainability Branch, Environmental Sustainability and Strategic Policy Division, 257 pp.
- California Regional Water Quality Control Board - San Francisco Bay Region (CRWQCB-SFB). 2015. Amending the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Basin to Establish a Total Maximum Daily Load and Implementation Plan for Selenium in North San Francisco Bay. Resolution No. R2-2015-0048.
- Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC). 2017. Proposed Approach for Coal Mining Effluent Regulations – Consultation Document, November 2017. 29 pp. + Appendices. Ottawa, ON Canada.
- Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection (KYDEP). 2014. Methods for the Collection of Selenium Residue in Fish Tissue Used to Determine KPDES Permit Compliance. Version 1.0. Division of Water.
- Payne, R.G., Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection (KYDEP). 2013. Update to Kentucky Water Quality Standards for Protection of Aquatic Life: Acute Selenium Criterion and Tissue-Based Chronic Criteria.
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2016a. Aquatic Life Ambient Water Quality Criterion for Selenium – Freshwater 2016. Office of Water 4304T, Washington, D.C. EPA 822-R-16-006. June 2016.
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2016b. DRAFT. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Implementing WQS that Include Elements Similar or Identical to EPA’s 2016 Selenium Criterion in Clean Water Act Section 402 NPDES Programs. Office of Water, Washington, D.C. EPA 820-F-16-009. September 2016.
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2016c. DRAFT. Technical Support for Fish Tissue Monitoring for Implementation of EPA’s 2016 Selenium Criterion. Office of Water, Washington, D.C. EPA 820-F-16-007. September 2016.
- Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ). 2008. Development of a Selenium Standard for the Open Waters of the Great Salt Lake.